In - involuntarily
cel - celibate
Incel is a term associated with a mostly online subculture of people, who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, and who may blame, objectify and denigrate women and girls as a result.
Beta males in the animal kingdom don't get to mate, but still have an an important function. The purpose of writing this is to discuss what's important for an incel once the hope of finding a partner is gone, to equip them with purpose and meaning, definition and self awareness.
Someone on an online incel group pointed out that there is technically no such thing as involuntarily celibacy... He said, if you have access to adult media, or can afford a prostitute, then you are voluntarily celibate. Still, we're keeping the term incel - it's a nice way of describing disgruntled men who are trying to exit the sexual arena and seek an alternative life. Some refer to these men as coming from the "red pill" movement, but that term means many different things to people. 50 Cent and Redman talk about becoming celibate. It's not really the same direction as the one we're heading in. Those guys get so much pussy they just can't handle it anymore. Perhaps they're looking for more authentic ways of being. If that's the case then yes we're in a similar boat. On the opposite end of the spectrum, incels are becoming disillusioned, from training their pleasure reward response system through masturbation over things that clearly don't apply to them. These type of scenarios contain themes of riches, looks, status, strength, size, and a sense of scandal... Incels have begun to recognise, that by extracting pleasure from these themes, they are further distancing themselves from the reality of their situation. In any case, Redman or incel, there's the underlying background awareness that sex can deplete your energy, drive, creativity, clarity, motivation and connection with truth. After a few days of celibacy I have an easier time getting on with my projects (no I don't consider this ranting sprawling piece of shit a project). So, while no one's got a gun to my head FORCING me to be celibate, I'm not 50 Cent or Redman either, who are VOLUNTARILY giving up that lifestyle. They left the nightclub, us incels weren't on the guestlist. Heh - excess vs exclusion!
The red pill is hard to swallow. Something a would-be incel might have difficulty with is the giant chip on his shoulder. Being bullied over sex since childhood carries a karmic promise of eventually coming out on top. We're fed hollywood lies of the underdog getting the girl and are assured by our mothers and sisters that we'll find a woman who loves us the way we are, and to be 'good', while they themselves select the foulest sleaziest men as sexual partners. This brainwashing has been going on since birth so there is much deprogramming to undergo. I hope this trashy blog post contributes to your deprogramming in some way - that's why I'm writing it, and for myself too, I need this. My mind is full of shit when it comes to the opposite sex and hoping to find someone, so, we're on this journey together.
Beta males like myself have a choice, between either drastic self improvement to get a girlfriend (and i mean DRASTIC - - continual confidence building exercises to communicate better with women, gym training, dick lengthening exercises, cultivation of wealth, and even for some - facial surgery ), or just saying why bother? Some may say that this is the lazy man's route, but, let's get our ducks in a row here and figure out exactly why we would want to endeavour to improve ourselves for a gender we really owe nothing to, inhibits us from playstation, and tries through constant criticism to make us better... However... HOW . EVER.... if that's what you want in your world, then I have a useful secret. Women don't really go for looks. I discovered this while I was trying my hand at pickup - yeah the confidence building malarkey - and well, the kind of uglies they'd choose over me because I wasn't confident was UNREAL. The downside though, for a less conventionally attractive man with great character, is, this means you actually have to go out and talk to them to convey personality - if you're not good looking and want them to just like your profile pics then you're basically fucked. Women do go for looks on their screens, but in real life all you gotta do is be friendly and normal. Going out and having face to face real-time interactions with women can be positive, but also highly negative. It all boils down to whether you're doing it to build your identity, Vs, already having an identity and going out to express it. The former can be problematic on many levels. Be normal first - which is no small feat - then you can start peppering it with funny and entertaining diverse and daring. Don't do what I did and start by learning funny and diverse and entertaining without the firm foundation of being normal. It kind of worked here and there, but it was a tightrope/highwire act. Anyway, this part's called Cel, so let me discuss my own personal reflections on celibacy to try to put things into perspective.
I say this every day, but it's high time for me to be celibate. As a teen, all I'd ever spunk to was adultery/infidelity.... Secretary, plumber, maid, step mother (yes, the father's new wife - imagine THAT...) what a miseducation. There's a spiritual book which describes sex as "the ritual of the death of god", and certainly in my case I seemed to use sexuality for this specific purpose... As a young adult - twenties - perhaps from what I went through, things took a darker turn, I'd get off to bdsm 'femdom' scenes. So, that's what was trying to practice pickup - - thousands of shameful lowlife bottomfeeder grotesque wanks coming up to her like "hey!" ... I grew aware this was coming through in my interactions in subtle or obvious ways, and decided to restructure my sexuality from the ground up. At 28 (35 as I write this) I began masturbating to youtube try-on hauls like "this is my autumn collection, I like the Shein dress it matches the suede bag, etc etc " thinking about just being round the house together sharing mundane tasks and ending up shagging. It helped, a bit. Then came 2020 with the advent of tiktok and instagram. It was like I died and got stuck in terrorist heaven. At least it isn't porn, but I still picture me being lower than her somehow, and I do it a lot, so am growing aware that it's all still the ritual of the death of god. I'll expand on what this means, but let's just say for now that I tried to make the content I expose myself to at least healthy, and it's still basically demeaning.
Currently it's been a month since breaking up with my first real girlfriend. She got a big ass... I'm six inches. It would slip out. I could tell I wasn't really satisfying her. Not why we broke up, but, nevertheless... I'd moved to her place from living in a student area. There (I don't know if it's a sign of the times or whether it was always like this and I just never noticed), but, most of the 20ish year old girls would look me right in the groin and I'd see the slight dejection in their face like "eww gross tiny..."
So,, what's my genius plan now?? I know - I'll just go for girls with a smaller waste and flatter ass... Sigh.. I think it's time for me to throw in the towel and see what else this life has to offer. In this regard I deem the celibacy prospect as INvoluntary. Sure, I could hang weights on it, pump and stretch the fucker, but I'm, as you can tell, trying to cultivate the opinion that I don't want a girl anyway. Yeah, with Vicky, living with someone was better than living alone. I admit. Having a reason to cook better food and a reason to clean up after, I brushed my teeth more and showered frequently, she wasn't afraid of laundry like I am, we had an ok amount of sex...
On the other hand, yes - there were times it was BOORRRIING and I wanted my own space. I'd shut her out to do my projects which upset her, she'd try to make me choose between her and the work and I would always choose work. I could go on about the way women don't confront you directly about things and just passive aggressively make signs that they're upset, giving you the resting bitchface til you work it out... Or even when HAVING an outright argument, they'll bring up indirect peripheral things to the forefront as if it's pertinent to the matter, and dodge talking about what's really up. "There are no small upsets." ...same book as that ritual of the death of god quote. I'll be referencing it a lot, and will tell you what it's called in due time. But yeah, being stuck in a rut with a woman really makes a brother wanna take better care of himself, to avoid having to depend on symbiosis. But, as I've already admitted - at my current level yes it was better than being on my own - so, and this is for you too dear reader - let's try to make being on our own a little better. No, I don't have the CODE for true incels, the REAL Red Pill, the Holy Grail of bitches-aint-shit, the Rosetta Stone, the KEY to happiness alone... I'm trying to find it. I can only make assumptions from here, and from here, my assumption is that self-sufficiency is one of the cornerstones/pillars to the theory that a beta wolf can become the lone wolf.
God HAS to stay blind to this bullshit, because, if he knew a single isolated PART of it, he wouldn't know TOTAL TRUTH anymore, and therefore wouldn't BE God...
So how - and more specifically - why, did he create us?
He didn't!!!!!
YOU did...
Me??? So like, I'm the master of the universe who hid in the world as a dumb baby that witnesses a million and one outside factors responsible for my situation and remain fundamentally unable to see that it's all just me? Please elaborate...
Well look - with infinity in all directions you are the centre of life. Everything, by this nature, has centre stage. And there's no such thing as objectivity. Every discovered fact is confirmed within subjectivity and shared amongst other subjectivities. There is no 'out there'. The James Webb telescope might be in the outer reaches of the galaxy taking photos, but it takes a living entity to witness those photos, and where are these living entities? Well, on Earth, but as far as their place in the universe is concerned they're right in the middle, I mean, take one of those astronomy scientists from the James Webb team and put him on planet Jupiter, he'll still be witnessing everything from the centre of life, with infinity in all directions. In lieu of the nature of your being, there's nowhere to go and nothing to look at where you aren't just witnessing Self.
This suggests a grand singularity. But, it begs the question, "What do I pray to then, and seek wisdom and guidance from? If God can't see division or fragmentation, then I, who inherently carry part of his essence, must be forever lost..."
To answer this crucial question, I will attempt to retranslate the singularity back into a trinity framework, by considering the Father as 'that which knows all this to be true and knows nothing else', the Son as "the aspect that exercised its god given freedom to escape the throne and disguise itself as the universe thus forgetting what it really is', and finally the Holy Ghost as the remaining communication link which God made, to guide the Son back to his original place - filtering out and translating the mess he's in, back to the truth of his essence. A father doesn't SEE his son's nightmares, he just sees him tossing and turning in his sleep - - he wouldn't want to wake him with a bucket of ice water, so, he installed a dimmer switch, to bring him gently back out of it to the light. This is the function of the Holy Ghost. For the purpose of stripping away religious terminology and sounding modern in the blog, the Holy Ghost shall be referred to as the Link. We've all felt the Link, giving us slight intuitions that simplify and unify... That sometimes annoying higher urge to eat the healthier option, that gentle force telling you not to press send on the rude message you wrote. It's highly reliable as an everyday guide, and on a spiritual level there's no upward limit to the degrees of truth it can lead you to.
Your true identity is not earthbound, and the Link will work with your false identity, making good use of it here while simultaneously freeing it from its chains and preparing your transition back to the singularity you locked yourself out of. There are several different theories as to why the Son (the atma...the self..) did this, they're all interesting and all have some level of validity. Boredom, play, independence, misadventure, creativity... However, for the purpose of this blog, we will be examining the original separation/original sin/fall from grace, in all its good and bad outcomes, as a way of reconciling Guilt.
In some schizophrenia cases, suppressed traumatic events and wild opinions can resurface in the form of a character in the mind. This character seems to have a will of its own. What I'm trying to suggest here is that we are mere characters in the grand hallucination the Son is having, pointing fingers at eachother for the crime of having stolen heaven from one another... There are many other parallels we can draw for the sake of making the case on behalf of this all being a giant guilt trip... We all know somebody who blames people for having the same traits and attitudes they themselves harbour. Plus, look at Satan... He's the go-to receptacle of blame for all our misdeeds and lower thinking. His worshippers admire him for having the courage to do their dirty work. All idols in fact, that we erected out of godlessness, follow the same formula - we maximise them and minimise ourselves. What's funny is that nowhere can this be clearer seen than in sex. Many relationships are about subtly adorning the other with scraps of guilt over why it's a bad relationship.
If guilt is the name of the game, then the way out of Jumanji, is through forgiveness. Not a sappy "I, who am holier than thou, must forgive your sins." But rather, "Victim or perpetrator, we are both two sides of the same illusory coin". This can only really be recognised through the help of the Link, which sees things clearly from this angle. Again, not, "I forgive Chad for always winning whereas I'm constantly the loser" but, "There ARE no winners and losers". This can be useful for an incel, who would no longer have to shield his decision not to participate behind bitter resentments towards those in the fastlane. Neither would he need a false sense of humility about his ''position'' on the ''ladder''. With this kind of spiritual framework there can be no sense of victimhood for the incel, as, your subjectivity is the sole author of literally everything, so, at some level you chose for things to be this way. This recognition begins to free us from toxic thought cycles of shame and blame.
So far I have been preaching from a book called A Course In Miracles. As you might have guessed from my perspectives of the trinity it is distinctly Christian in nature, deep and dark and loaded with Zen. It has a long, highly profound text, followed by a workbook of 365 daily meditation themes, starting with "Nothing I see means anything" progressing onto "I have invented the world I see" , and, "I have no private thoughts and am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing"... Really challenging dicey material. I get about halfway through the workbook before the world catches up and I fail to meet its increasing demands for longer soulsearching sessions. I've read the text five times and heard the audiobook six, and still there are lines that jump out at me as if I've come across it for the first time. (Be sure to get the Thetford edition or the Urtext version... The more popular 3rd edition's been too redacted, edited, and crucified in my opinion). A Course In Miracles is where the famous guru Eckhart Tolle jacked all his material about "practicing the power of now" from. ACIM is fundamentally flawed though in that it gives very little guidance for what to do as an operative of the physical paradigm, which it professes to be a mere illusion. While freeing for the mind and soul, it neglects the body element and can be studied from prison, leaving an incel with questions like "So what the fuck do i DO?? What's rewarding and enjoyable for me in this life?"
I think, and this is just my opinion, but I think, where the rubber meets the road in terms of The Now and the physical world, is mindfulness. We use mindfulness to meditate and stay grounded in spiritual truth while remaining productive. We undo our false identity while stuff gets done in the eternal meeting place of past and future.
I..... kidnap... mindfulness.... Instead of applying it to duties like washing dishes, I have grand ideas that I break down into mini chores and practice mindfulness through THEM. Slowly but surely, finished products come into being. I nourish my ego while sticking to the rules. This way of living is close to my heart, and I will expand on its spiritual and practical implications.
Let's pause for a moment though and zoom out, to look at male divorcees... Their first impulse, provided they don't get taken to the cleaners, is to get a sports car. I think a divorcee could have written this guide much better than myself, having been trapped in wedlock and experiencing the true depth of a bitch firsthand in realtime. So, however alternatively we arrived at this conclusion, we can both now agree, that toys are the WAY.
The attitude to toys however, is what separates the men from the boys. It's intellectually sloppy and spiritually unholy to just go shopping - - on a spree - - and I wouldn't advise a vulnerable incel to collect his way out of his situation. 'Gather', maybe, but not collect. Because see, there's a difference between getting and manifesting. Getting is a concrete wall and manifesting is a sedimentary rock. Both tall and solid, but one has accelerated the time factor and one has used time to wholesomely complete itself.
I borrow my philosophy for this from The Bhagvad Gita. This book begins with a warrior facing his brethren on the opposite end of a battlefield. He collapses in a heap over the prospect of dealing death on his own kin, and the rest of the book is Krishna convincing him to get up and fight the war. For this argument Krishna uses concepts like devotional action, severing the task from the fruits of the task, and breaking materialism down into opportunities for spiritual development. Even if it's your goal as an incel to end up with a sweetheart, the work involved is fulfillment in itself and should be viewed as such, otherwise every minor setback will be associated with getting dumped.
I was on the Warhammer subreddit, and someone asked whether it's better to batch paint your armies or do each figure one by one. I've got some irons in the fire as I speak that are slowly coalescing into finished works, but, when the time comes to make my Warhammer chess set, I'll be batch painting those motherfuckers. It's just my ethos - to not get caught up in the end result and do mundane things with the same love care and attention as anything else.
I'd like to end this rant with a poem I made on the fallacy of marriage, to soothe the soul of the incel who feels left out by all this malarkey, to remind him that there's trouble in paradise and assure him that the grass is probably greener on his side...
WILL YOU MARRY ME? So I don't need to impress you to keep you, so I can let my gut hang and say game over, shield myself from the consequences I’ve woven into the world and my own mind, make you into a bonafide possession, pretend this whole sex game was worth it just to get front row seats to your decay, make you the wall between myself and the void, bury the real truth under our vows, let the world see the ring and not the ruin, so our kids have a much harder time if we split up - we can use them as pawns in our rivalry, and when they become a burden we can vacation to escape them, leaving them to their own devices and punish them when the outside influences we drove them to arise to disturb us, let's bicker over minor material differences to bury the real issue, while the Link’s sharp whisper fades into a static.
Spoken like a true incel eh??
Needs reordering that last bit, and fleshing out, but there it is in its original rough form.
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